Nectar Profit and Loss Upload Guide


In order to get you a quote, we need to understand the financial performance of your portfolio.

Please send over a profit and loss statement that meets the following criteria:

  • Monthly breakdown of revenues, expenses, and debt service
  • Dating back for the length of time the property or portfolio has been active (or max of 2 years)
  • Export to Excel or CSV file

If you use an accounting software, use these short video walkthroughs:

If you don’t use accounting software, we highly recommend you set one up. But in the meantime, you can use our Google Sheets P&L template.

We will verify all financial data we see in the profit and loss. In order to receive the most accurate quote possible, please ensure you are providing actual data, and not a budget.

If you have already created an account with us, select “Upload Your P&L”. If you have not created your free account, select “Start Your Application.”


Interest Rate Caps and
Rising Costs on Floating-Rate CRE Debt

Interest rate caps play a critical role in protecting borrowers and lenders against rising interest rates.

However, as interest rates continue to soar and market uncertainties grow, the costs of interest rate caps have surged, creating significant challenges for investors in the commercial real estate (CRE) sector. In this white paper gain a deeper understanding of:

Interest rate caps

Benefits for borrowers and lenders

Cost evaluation strategies

Navigating future risks in the market

Materials to refer your clients & get your commission.

Your Partner Guide
This document contains templates designed to supercharge your email and marketing campaigns.
Flyer and One Pagers
Access the Nectar flyers below and distribute them as you see fit. Share the flyer that best suits the needs of your clients.
Sales Presentation
Use this presentation to effectively sell Nectar to your clients. Learn about the process, client qualifications and more in this deck.
Asset Library
Promote your affiliate page easily with these graphics by sharing them through social media or email blasts. You can also embed the link to your affiliate page in the graphics for your own PPC campaigns.
Product Offerings Video
Use this video to effectively showcase Nectar's product offerings to your clients. Feel free to share this video directly with them, providing valuable insights into what Nectar can offer.
Affiliate Webinar
Learn about program details and get your questions answered in our engaging live webinars (register below). Can't attend? Watch this recorded webinar to learn how to optimize your affiliate program.

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Flexible financing — Whether your client wants to buy a new property, tackle a renovation, buy all new furniture – or all of the above! – Nectar funding is the fast, flexible option for vacation rental investors.

Grow through your current clients — Nectar accelerates your clients’ growth. As they add properties and increase revenue, your management business grows too.

Marketing support — We provide you a unique link and target guidelines, so you know exactly which of your past clients is a fit for Nectar (and will result in repeat business for you!)

Revenue share — For every referral that comes through your unique link, we’ll pay you 50 basis points of the total advance amount. That’s $1,500 on our avg. $300,000 advance!